You can add Twig Template Suggestions for Container in drupal 8/9 using hook_theme_suggestions_container_alter.
Knowledge base
You can easily reset a user password with Drush utility.
Go in your Drupal installation root and check if Drush is installed.
To avoid the terminal display pollution when you unzip big archives, you can use the following command in your terminal :
unzip -q zipfilename
Drupal needs a PHP library to manipulate images. If it is not installed in your configuration, you must do it because without it your Drupal installation will not work!
Drupal is a CMS that can be extended with external modules developed by external contributors. Some of them are essential for a professional exploitation of Drupal.
Since Drupal 9, the Drupal deprecated function drupal_set_message() is removed !
The RSS feed is active by default on Blog posts list. You can easily disable it in Blog views by detaching the Feed display
You can add Twig Template Suggestions for Form Elements in drupal 8/9 using hook_theme_suggestions_input_alter():